
Love Letters

Applicants sometimes file letters with continuation (“child”) applications.  We briefly touched on this topic in August.  Back then, we mentioned the Applicant in Hakim v.… Read More »Love Letters

Seriously, Bro

Frequently, an Applicant will amend an independent claim based on a feature from a dependent claim.  The next Office communication seems to consider more thoroughly… Read More »Seriously, Bro

Disclosing IDSes

One of our more popular blog posts concerns Information Disclosure Statements (IDSes).  Meanwhile, a recurring topic at Takumi Legal Community relates to providing relevant information… Read More »Disclosing IDSes

What Counts

USPTO Examiners are evaluated partially on their production.  This production is largely determined by the count system.  The count system is not discussed in the… Read More »What Counts

On Oral Hearings

Recently, some Applicants have been declining oral hearings during ex parte appeals to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB).  Modal PLLC believes oral hearings… Read More »On Oral Hearings

Mother Popcorn

Over the past few weeks, we considered Case 5 of the Comparative Study on Hypothetical/Real Cases: Novelty (November 2009), based on the specification of continuation-in-part… Read More »Mother Popcorn